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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday. thx Phil & Sindy

Friday night was fantastic, had lots of fun. I would also like to take the liberty to thank Phil for having us in free and the free drinks he got for us! It was great. Hope to see you again this summer, and if not, next year or whenever.
Thanks Sindy for cleaning up the mess over at your house! Honestly... you would be a great wife. You always cared about others before yourself. And for that you deserve a holla.

Saturday went by real fast, I woke up at around 8 to have breakfast with my dad. Went back to sleep and woke up at around 4ish. Angelyne and Ina came over for few hours to use the internet and such. And since my mom's not home with the little kids, my dad came home early to cook dinner for us. I've always loved his cooking, there's always been that extra effort in his food. It reminds me of the time when it was only guys that lived in this house. Dad would make breakfast/lunch/dinner everyday and he would go shopping for food and such during the weekend at least twice by himself. And this was during the time when he had to work real hard. Now after 10 years he's the owner of the company. He was so determined with what he had to offer and I could never be so strong willed. ya!

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