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Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday Night

I am sitting here in the office. 5:16pm

It's unbelievably cold here.

Tonight, I think I am going to a club with few of my friends. Just so people know, I do not club, nor am I a "club" person. I prefer bar or just sleeping at home.

By the way, does anyone know what "tool brigade" is? Cause I saw a funny looking guy on a youtube and one of the comment says "You look like Colonel Douche of the Tool Brigade". I started laughing out quite loud... thats (LoqL!) and I thought maybe Tool Brigade actually existed or meant something. Anyway, if anyone wants to comment on that, feel free. My blog lacks comment, and last time I asked few million people to comment, 3 ended up commenting. I also changed the setting so people can comment without signing up on google and such. So you can stay anonymous and... mysterious.
Whats cool about commenting using Anonymous? Very cool. You can call me a fuckhead and I won't know who you are and I'll be pissed off half my day and possibly blow my anger on my boss and get fired and I don't have to do this blog thing anymore. Very cool.

Today is my first day in the office when my dad is around. When he came up to me today to check up what I'm doing I was a little intimidated by him. Anyway, today mom left to the philippines with my baby siblings karlos and kiara for 10 days. Many of you that may think they are cute and angelic, you are right! Only when they are sleeping and when you're not living with them. I can keep the "and" going but I'll cut it off right here.

I realized after reading my OWN post several times my blog isn't all that entertaining. And I was thinking about ways to make it entertaining. Can anyone tell me how? Cause I'm out of ideas.

I'm done for the day, it's 5:30pm. good yar


Anonymous said...

hey kurodo ni-shan =P

It's cool that you have a blog now.. it seems you're having a "okay" life? haha. anyway... i guess i could know more about you as you update know.. we dont talk much. but i know you are a great friend. =) anyyywaaayy.. haha. i'll chat with you more laterz. byebye

-Amy Cho =P

Anonymous said...

you need lesbian porn ads on the side. then, maybe you'll get some more hits. haha.

tool brigade. that's pretty funny.


RevoltA said...

I was actually thinking if I could choose the ads but i don't know how to : (