
Download Firefox

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

HTML. Firefox Vs Internet Explorer

I was fascinated by Macromedia Dreamweaver MX! As an HTML beginner, I was checking out maricopa for writing HTML and practicing few of the tags they've introduced.
Did you know that the way a web browser displays grphics in HTML format differs from OS? Like for example, mac os web browser such as Safari and Opera (btw Iphone uses Safari) displays it as a picture format for Mac, but when that same code goes through Windows browser such as IE and Netscape it can mess it up. Graphic format is platform independent, thats why there are so many different format like Jpeg, Gif,BMP etc...

This is why we should all use Mozilla Firefox!! Agree? I mean seriously, aren't you sick of having to have 600 browser open at the same time when you could have tabs instead where you can easily skim through. Firefox is extremely "light" in a sense that surfing on the net would be like using Internet Explorer. If you think Firefox is way faster than Internet Explorer, you have mistaken. Simply get a stop watch and time how fast they both load... yes IE is faster... thought so. Those of you who understood half of what I said, click on the link on top of the page with a fox logo and download it.
I'll give you a brief explanation on why I prefer Firefox over Internet Explorer (by the way i'm writing this blog on an IE haha). Internet Explorer has an automatic updating program designed by Microsoft called the Active-X. Yes, if you were wondering what the hell that was for the past 4 years, thats a program used by Microsoft to check up on your computer so they can install shit on your computer for you. That is ofcourse for update reason, not for virus or anything... no bill gates won't do that to you... or... would he? Thats for you to find out. Anyway, Active-X gives 100% complete access to any Windows operating system. Thus increasing the vulnebility of your computer. There are things like Spyware, Spamware and all that shit that could be put in your computer using IE. I am not saying Firefox is invulnerable to everything, it definitely has its flaws. There are websites that cannot be accessed with Firefox, for those of you who has been using it should know. IE can open websites like that which comes in handy. Anyway, I like the tab function on Firefox.

How to Disable Active-X
Tool>Internet Option>Security(tab)>Custom Level to disable Active-X

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