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Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Are these people for real?
Online Psychic Reading - 3 Minutes FREE! lol. Anyway, I was bored during lunch time so I was looking for ways to improve blog sites and came across this bullshit. Check their name! It's priceless.

-Clairvoyant Psychic Celina
-Spiritual Reader
-Psychic Ash
-gods verdict 4 u
-Miss Marks

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! It's like an rpg character. They probably respond like them too. Won't it be great to be a psychic? Seriously... you talk with people who has problems and wants answers desperately (I mean right? Why else would you be calling Psychic hotline) then you meet up your friends for dinner and tell them how pathetic and desperate he/she is. AND ON TOP OF THAT, you get to have cool names like the ones from dungeons and dragons. What would your psychic name be? Mine would be "Ze Psycharx spoon bender".


Anonymous said...

Well, you can always start a company like that if you ever come to the point where you can't find a job. Call me up when you do. I'll join you.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the show That's so Raven.

RevoltA said...

I will start a company jeff.. .just like that and we will all be super psychic, and we'll be bending spoons like spooners.

RevoltA said...

I have to watch that show....

Anonymous said...

uh huh really knicksgrl0917? I would think so too!! I almost clicked it cause i thought maybe it would lead me to a site thats filled with naked ladies!